WHERE YOUR EYES LINGER – 2020 – South Korea

BLISS Rating: A++

A profound series. There are only 8 episodes, consisting of about 15 minutes each. It is amazing what great story telling can do in a short period of time. How could one not fall in love with this series? Its pace is swift, intense, and utterly believable. There are no wasted scenes here or fillers. Just raw drama and intensity of feelings.

Han Tae-ju, played brilliantly by Han Gi-chan, is a somewhat narcissistic playboy who has a bodyguard by the name of Kang-gook, played wonderfully by Jang Eui-soo. Kang is not only a bodyguard but seemingly a good friend. I say seemingly because while a part of Kang is in love with Tae-ju, he knows that his status is that of a ‘servant’ and nothing more. They have been a part of each other’s lives for 15 years. Their worlds while intertwined are still worlds separated. The sadness in Kang’s eyes is palpable and you can feel his pain. Both, however, are under the dominance of Tao-ju’s father who is abusive. I do not want to give the plot away because their acting is so good, you should also have the experience of feeling what they are feeling. It is emotionally painful to watch because I am sure (including me) that some have been in relationships where the love seems unattainable because of circumstances and/or status in life. Patience is a virtue or at least that is how the expression is stated. Lesson learned painfully in this series.

The chemistry between these two (very handsome) actors is a thing of beauty. There is sadness, angst, playfulness, and a real depth to their emotions and feelings that never quite surface but you know it is there. The supporting roles (there are not many) are interesting people, some with great perception. They add amazingly to the story and are integral to its flow. The writing is superb with lines that bear repeating and is a great summary of this story: “I have an old friend. We’re always together like each other’s shadows. And that shadow of mine has developed a sense of self”.

Who really S.T.O.L.E. the series? To put it simply, there is astonishing chemistry between Han Gi-chan and by Jang Eui, that to deny them this distinction would be an injustice. They are remarkable. The knew these characters. They felt these characters and they were these characters. You could feel the sexual tension between them, the overt and covert signs of love, and the fear that was ever present. Not just from the father but from each other’s feelings. This is one of the finest acting of character development I have ever seen. Kudos to both. 

Each episode has an aptly named title and you will get the message quite clearly. 

This story is riveting, sad, at times painful, yet always gives a sense of hope. It is not splashy or particularly powerful. It is almost unnoticeable. Yet, you sense and feel with these two men that the world is theirs and it belongs to them. They will make their own world. 


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